Backing Bars
Backing Bars
Each kit contains 4 bars measuring
100x50x25mm 100x50x50mm
150x50x6mm sharp radius angle 75x50x25mm
Introducing our Alloy Backing Bars – your trusted companions on the journey to welding excellence. Here's how they'll elevate your craftsmanship:
- Protect from Oxidation
When purging or shielding isn't an option, our bars create a protective shield on your workpiece, ensuring a clean finish free from pinholes or cracking.
- Control Heat
Acting as effective heat sinks, our bars provide precise control over heat input, resulting in consistent, uniform welds.
- Manage Distortion
Tired of stainless steel distortion? Our bars help control distortion on your workpiece, ensuring smoother, distortion-free welds.
But their versatility doesn't end there. They serve as reliable backers for hole filling or weld repairs, making them indispensable additions to any fabricator's toolkit.
From impeccable packaging to precision engraving, every detail speaks of quality craftsmanship. Choose our Alloy Backing Bars for quality tools designed to elevate your welding game.